Thursday, 28 January 2016

Thursday 28 January

We had problems overnight with the fridge – the Spanish bottle is supposed to be propane which we deliberately asked for because butane tends not to work properly in low temperatures – and it gets quite cold at night. However we suspect we've been given butane in a propane bottle as the burners are failing to relight and the warning is reading low gas pressure. But if we don't open the door it should be okay – and we'll use less gas of course.

Once the sun came over the hill the temperature shot up, this time with little wind and it turned out even warmer than the last couple of days so not a lot was done. One of the group is keen on cooking so produced pizzas for everybody for lunch, although it ended up quite late as lunchtimes go.

Being open scrubland, the area is commonly used to graze animals and a herd of goats passes through every day, driving the dogs nuts. Today we had a couple of different visitors:-

Initially quite amusing, eventually they became a nuisance but a local did show us how to drive them off – straight towards some French motorhomes. Er, oops, sorry (hee hee, or rather hee haw).

Mid-afternoon we walked into town with friends Derek and June, who had not yet had a proper look and mooched around for an hour, chatting with various locals and a nice lady from the argon oil ladies cooperative, which is exactly what it says, a group of Moroccan women working together to produce the various varieties and uses of this national product.

We plan to move on tomorrow so before it got dark we packed up all we could, ready for a reasonable start in the morning.

P.S. We've finally managed to catch up with the blog, due mainly to rather poor internet. Hope to do better and also include more photos as we visit places we've not been to before.

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