Saturday, 23 January 2016

Saturday 16 January

We now appear to have got into the good weather we've been looking for; though cool at night the days are now bright and sunny with mostly clear blue skies and the temperature is soaring.

From Dar Bouazza we took the ordinary roads, it really not being worth diverting back to the motorway, and enjoyed a steady run along the coast through the typically Moroccan towns and villages i.e. disorganised chaos! People say Morocco is poor but they all have satellite TV and mobile phones – I wonder if the death rate caused by mobile phones here is as bad as the UK. Jaywalkers! They also seem to have their fair share of weekend drivers too, so you have to keep a really sharp lookout.

Our target today was the small seaside town of Oualidia, just a couple of hours south and where we've stayed before on a huge carpark close to the beach and just a few minutes walk from a nice clean modern town. The French seem to be coming back to Morocco in large numbers now and we counted over 60 motorhomes parked up with more arriving by the hour. Eventually the guardians had to close it – and we were by ourselves last year!

There was, however, a clue; a couple of car transporters were unloading what looked like road racing cars and a couple of the streets had barriers. One looked like it was being turned into a “pits” area and the afternoon was occasionally interrupted by noisy engines “tuning-up”. They also had a half hour practice run too while somebody else was setting up a sound stage. Could get noisy!

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